Company Profile

Indomie is a brand of instant noodles by Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur, the world’s largest instant noodle manufacturer, located in Indonesia. It is distributed in Australia, Asia, Africa, New Zealand, the United States and European and Middle Eastern countries. Indofood is one of Indonesia’s largest pre-packaged food companies, and was founded in 1982 by Sudono Salim. Outside its main manufacturing plants in Indonesia, Indomie is also produced in Nigeria since 1995 where it is a popular brand and have the largest instant noodles manufacturing plant in Africa. (Indomie 2012)


Indomie is trying to expand their market further in Australia. They are aiming to come out with different pictograms that show steps of how their customer can make indomie. They would like to create an image that there is more than one way to make indomie and everyone can make their own version of indomie. A mobile web page name ‘My Version of Indomie’ will be created and several of pictogram in how you make indomie will be shown in the mobile web page. The best and favored Pictogram will be publish on the sites. People who made it to the mobile web page will win prizes. The Pictogram should suit Australian and the target audience of indomie, which is older than 5 years old (from children, teenager to older) (irfee 2008).Pictography is a pictorial drawings which is use to represent a form of writing, word, sentence, or instruction (Takasaki & Mori 2007).

Target Market

  • Australian who is older than age 5
  • Smartphones User


Should inspirational, creative and concise. So it will attract the audiences.

Design Example

Welcome to……………………

How to make Instant tutorial

Making instant noodle is really easy and convenient

  • Firstly, you have to have a instant noodle that required cooking like ‘Indomie’
  • Secondly, you have to take out everything that is on the package
  • Thirdly, prepare a boiling water on the pan- Fourthly, Put all the seasoning
  • (Optional) Fifthly, if you want to add vegetable, meat, prawn and etc. now will be the right time. be creative!! the   favour might surprise you.
  • Lastly, Put the noodle in the pan

Then……TADAAAAA….you just successfully make Instant Noodle



You are ask to create a pictogram of ‘how to make Indomie in your own version’ to inspire indomie customer to experimenting a different way of cooking Indomie. The pictogram should suit the Mobile Screen, as I will put in the Mobile web page. Make sure you are aiming on the right target audience. Please sent the finished work before 30 August 2012 to, The first winner will get a A$500 cash and the follows will get a year supply of Indomie Instant Noodle.


– irfee 2008, Marketing Plan – SWOT Analysis – Indofood – Indonesia, Scribd, viewed 17 May 2012, <;.

– Takasaki, T & Mori, Y 2007, ‘Design and development of a pictogram communication system for children around the world’, Digital Library, pp. 193-206, viewed 17 May 2012, retrieved from Springer Online Database.

– Indomie 2012, About Us, Indomie, viewed 17 May 2012,<;.