Life is full of surprises, it is not meant to be easy, but it meant to be challenging.

Sometimes in life, you may get very upset and sad till you feels like dying. Yet life is priceless, no matter how bad it is, there is always something occurs that make you realize that it isn’t that bad.

Life is like a stream, it’s always flows not matter how, we just enjoy the ride. Everything in life will finds it’s equilibrium, it just needs some time. As no matter where you go, you must adopt yourself, whether is consciously or subconsciously.

Everything you do in live will make a huge impact, even the little things like scratching your head, go for a coffee, checking your blog, writing you blog, go to the market, clean your house or maybe even blinking your eyes. As we all are interdependent in this system. think about if you are not going to do any little thing that you do today, will this day ends different? Yes it will. As every action that we have did brings as till today, even every little things that effects us. in the end of the day, you look back you may Glad that it happens cause in the end, everything will be fine. If it’s not fine, it is not the end.

Present is an opportunity that has been given to us to make choices. We will never know whether it’s a bad, silly or good choices that we have made, unless we look to our past. Future is a Mystery, no one will know, what will actually happens tomorrow, what we usually know is what would likely to happen tomorrow. Who knows that you could die or won a lottery tomorrow.

Life is beautiful, doesn’t matter if it is hard, rough, easy or tough. You should be thankful if you are a live today. Cause in the end everything will be fine.